Declaration Project

Declaration of the Defense of our Data | Is Big Brother Watching?

Many people have personal information held in a digital format.  Individuals often take the security of their information for granted.  There is a need for data encryption in our society.  Although this currently exists, there is often a negative connotation associated with it often brought forth by government.  The Apple vs FBI case in the […]

Declaration of Love (a Valentine’s Day addition to our project)

Snippet from “Declaration of Love,” a preface to E.L. Doc Hunter’s Song of Melete When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for Men to no longer shoulder the quiet burdens of a Great Love…. a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel such a Love. […]

Declaration Against Bullshit

When in the course of the human experience, it becomes necessary for one people to eradicate the ignorance and complacency which have allowed bullshit to thrive, and to assume among the powers of the earth the ability of the people to recognize and condemn the political manipulation that smothers reason, a decent respect to the […]

A Declaration to Combat the Tragedy of the Commons

The Tragedy of the Commons is a worldwide issue that concerns the abusing of common resources. Although land depletion is only a part of this Tragedy of the Commons, I believe it is the biggest issue. For example, in Costa Rica, farmers have cut down more and more of the rain forest for their own use. […]

Declaration for An Eight-Block Learning Day

When in the course of designing class schedules for our nation’s students, it becomes necessary for one people (school students) to  protest the imposing circumstances that have connected them together through loathing and discontent, and to call upon the powers of their so-called democracy to give them the rights which have been entitled to them through the […]

Declaration Against Child Abuse

Child abuse happens more often than we would expect. It happens behind closed doors away from the public eye. It isn’t talked about as much as other issues such as racism or suicide yet it takes the lives of at least three children everyday and affects millions of children and families every year. Child abuse […]

Declaration of Youth Mental Health

Although mental health has come into the public eye much more of late, there is still a huge population of people from which it is concealed — our youth.  Mental health in adolescents is a widespread problem that is overlooked and that needs to be addressed. We need to make mental health help accessible and stigma […]

Declaration for Paying College Athletes

Athletes sweat, shed blood, tears and put in the effort to achieve their goals in winning any competition, which could include winning a game or championship. That’s where the paychecks should start flying in — and thus every athlete should get paid, especially college athletes. The average player in the NBA receives $5.15 million dollars annually. […]

The Declaration of Equal Rights

This declaration states that all people are entitled to equal and civil rights. As seen throughout history, we as a nation and world have struggled with the distribution of equal rights to all human beings, especially women. “Globally, women make up just 22% of parliamentarians” (Source: Inter-Parliamentary Union 2014), while the pay gap between men […]