An Initial Declaration Towards a Global Ethic (September 4, 1993)
Editor’s Note: The first draft of this declaration was composed by the Swiss Catholic priest and scholar Dr. Hans Kung — known for his rejection of the notion of papal infallibility — and then was further worked on by approximately 200 scholars affiliated with many of the world’s principal faith traditions. It aims to set forth a global ethic […]
Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth (April 22, 2010)
Editor’s note: The product of the 2010 World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother earth, held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and attended by progressive activists and indigenous leaders from around the world, among others, this expressive document asserts that the Earth itself is a living being has inherent rights. Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother […]
Declaration for Food Independence
MyDeclaration The history of food production and distribution in the U.S. is one that is arguably the single most threatening national security issue to the U.S. The incredible amounts of hormones, pesticides, chemical fertilizers as well as the inhumane and unsanitary practices used by agro businesses are putting our population and environment at a high […]
Declaration of the Forum for Food Sovereignty — Nyéléni, Mali, 2007
Editor’s Note: This declaration, the outcome of a forum made up of a global network of grassroots activists dedicated to advancing the rights of peoples to determine for themselves food and agricultural policy across the entire network of food production. DECLARATION OF NYÉLÉNI, 27 February 2007, Nyéléni Village, Sélingué, Mali Declaration of the Forum for Food Sovereignty We, more […]
Declaration of Energy Independence (2010)
Editor’s Note: This declaration, issued on July 4, 2010, is a response to the calamitous BP oil spill. It charts a vision for energy use for the future that’s based on widespread use of renewable energy sources, and of technological innovations to help achieve this. Declaration of Energy Independence From the Green Collaborative of New […]
Earth Charter (also referred to as a Declaration of Interdependence), 2000
Editor’s Note: The Earth Charter Initiative was issued on June 29, 2000. Here is how those who spearheaded the initiative described their charter, also referred to as a Declaration of Interdependence: “The Earth Charter is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross-cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values… The drafting of the Earth Charter […]