Declaration Project

The term “food desert” shouldn’t exist. Where there are no close by grocery stores in West Oakland, California, the more affluent Napa, California has over 7 stores (high end, included) on one block. The connection between quality food, physical and psychological health has been scientifically proven, yet urban areas are laden with liquor stores and fast food chains instead of easy and affordable access to organic and healthy, fresh food. This is a basic right denied to those who live in the “wrong” zip code, and we must commit ourselves to eradicating urban communities of diseases that plague them at exponentially higher rates than affluent communities. Diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and the like are all directly linked to lack of access to healthy food. We can do much better, and we owe it to ourselves to make sure that we are all given the opportunity to live high quality lives.

Dominique JonesOakland Native, Global Citizen, National Council of Young Leaders, YouthBuild