Declaration Project

A Draft Declaration of Demands for the Occupy Movement (2011)

Editor’s Note: Released on November 21, 2011, this declaration is a follow-on to the Occupy Wall Street Manifesto that was issued on September 30, and in which it was promised that a “declaration of demands” would soon follow. If there is another later version that supplants this ‘draft,’ I haven’t been able to locate it. […]

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789

Editor’s Note: If there was a declaration to be written in the years soon after the founding of our republic, who better than Thomas Jefferson to have at least have some hand in its composition? As U.S. minister to France, Jefferson at times leant his expertise and insights — in many ways the product of […]

American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man – 1948

Editor’s Note:  Adopted in April 1948 at the International Conference of American States in Bogota, Colombia, this document represents the first attempt on the world stage — coming out eight months before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations — to set forth and enumerate the rights, and duties, of each […]

Memorial Letter from the Cherokee Nation to Congress – 1829

Editor’s note: Though not officially a declaration, this eloquent ‘memorial letter’ written in 1829 by tribal leaders of the Cherokee Nation and delivered to both chambers of Congress — just as it was set to debate Indian removal bills — springs in many respects from our Declaration of July 4, 1776, but also they point […]

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Editor’s Note: Adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was crafted in less than two years’ time — an amazing feat, especially given how divided among Eastern and Western factions the world was at the time as it emerged from World War II. Yet uncommon common […]

Inter-American Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (1995)

Editor’s Note: Iin 1989, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights was asked by the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) to compose a declaration of rights of “indigenous populations.” This declaration was intended to have legal standing. In February 1997, this draft declaration was endorsed by the Commission. Our understanding is that it has […]

Declaration of Workers’ and Farmers’ Rights and Purposes – 1933

Editor’s Note:  With our July 4, 1776 Declaration as its model, the Declaration of Workers’ and Farmers’ Rights and Purposes was the fruit of the inaugural convention of the National Unemployed Leagues, organized in Columbus, Ohio, by Dutch-born clergyman and political activist A.J. Muste, who spearheaded the Conference on Progressive Labor Action, and sparked as […]

Declaration of Rights — Equal Rights Party (a.k.a. Loco-Foco), 1836

Editor’s Note: This Jefferson-inspired declaration was composed in 1836 in Utica, New York, where a convention of mechanics, farmers, and working men was held and led to the creation of the Equal Rights Party (also known as Loco-Foco), a segment of the Democratic party.   Declaration of Rights, by Equal Rights Advocates and  Anti-Monopolists of New York  We hold […]

The Working Men’s Declaration of Independence (1829)

Editor’s Note: This declaration was authored in December 1829 by George Henry Evans, a ‘Jacksonian Democratic’ who condemned slavery and who railed against land monopolies, since he believed this practice prevented the realization of a democracy that represented equally all the people, rather than just the landed elite. Evans founded the first labor-centered newspaper, The Working […]