Declaration Project

An Initial Declaration Towards a Global Ethic (September 4, 1993)

Editor’s Note:  The first draft of this declaration was composed by the Swiss Catholic priest and scholar Dr. Hans Kung — known for his rejection of the notion of papal infallibility — and then was further worked on by approximately 200 scholars affiliated with many of the world’s principal faith traditions. It aims to set forth a global ethic […]

The People’s Earth Declaration — 1992

Editor’s Note: This progressive declaration sets forth a number of principles, including the right of “(a)ll elements of society, irrespective of gender, class, or ethnic identity ….to participate fully in the life and decisions of the community. The presently poor and disenfranchised, in particular, must become full participants. Women’s roles, needs, values and wisdom are […]

The Ninety-Nine Percent Declaration (2011)

Editor’s Note:  This declaration appears to have been released around the beginning of November 2011. It looks to be modeled in part by both our Constitution and Declaration of July 4, 1776, and called for a July 4, 2012 ‘National General Assembly’ in Philadelphia. , A Wikipedia page describes the genesis of the nonprofit 99 Percent Declaration. On this site, someone […]

Declaration and Manifesto of Occupy Wall Street Movement (2011)

Editor’s Note: The Occupy Wall Street began on September 17, 2011 in Zucotti Park in New York’s Wall Street financial district, and sparked a global protest movement. A declaration soon followed. Described as a “living document” when it was first circulated on September 30, 2011, here’s how a statement by Occupy Wall Street —  an”ongoing, […]